I work in online advertising where data is one of the most important things. Ever since I started cycling years ago I kept records, first Runkeeper then Strava followed by Trainingpeaks. Where Strava is the more social sports platform I was wondering how people were using Strava and if they felt any stress (like there is on other social platforms). So I built a very simple questionnaire and asked members of my triathlon club and a Facebook group if they could fill it out. The link is here, somehow I managed to mess the questions up after editing it for English.
- Do you put all your activities on Strava?
- It didn’t happen if it is not on Strava: 88%
- No, I value my privacy: 10%
- No I am to slow for Strava: 2%
- After the activity do you always check immediately for KOM’s and PR’s?
- Never 26%
- Yes, if I have been specifically KOM hunting 26%
- What is a KOM? 12%
- Yes, but only if I had a back wind 11%
- Yes, miscellaneous 25%
- How important are Kudo’s?
- Never pay attention 61%
- I live for Kudo’s 38%
- I never get Kudo’s 1%
- Do you give Kudo’s yourself?
- Yes, to everybody I follow 53%
- When I see a fantastic effort 36%
- Only to people who return the favor 11%
- Other people’s activities are:
- Motivating 79%
- Realitycheck 13%
- Discouraging 5%
- Enviable 3%
- Strava for you is a:
- social sports platform 31%
- trainingsplatform 23%
- both 46%
- You use (multiple answers possible):
- Strava Free 84%
- Garmin Connect 47%
- Strava Paid 17%
- Trainingpeaks 13%
- Runkeeper 4%
- Polar flow 2%
- others (10 different answers)
What do you think of these results? Almost 90% of the total 126 respondents put their stuff on Strava but after that the use and intention seem to vary. I feel sorry for that one person that never gets kudo’s ;-). One important thing for me to understand is wether people are motivated or not by Strava; only 4% consider other people activities as discouraging.
Since I am injured I hardly look at Strava, it hurts to much, not the injury… When I was preparing for 70.3 Challenge Mallorca I was part of a group so we could see each others progress. Some were motivated some actually quit Strava because they got nervous.
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