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Racereport sprint @ Bosbaan

Better Late than never…

Yes! Happy that I had to wake up early this morning. A special day because I would close my triathlonseason with this last sprint @ Bosbaan triathlon in Amstelveen. More special, together with my husband. And because we have kids we first had to bring them to their grandparents. Ha yes, the life of a tricouple.


Registration & Preperation

We should not have arrived a minute later because everything just came out perfect. I fetcht both of our numbers. We had to be quick by stickering our stuff. Ohw I love those stickers haha. I collect them on my closet gheghe. After the bikecheck it took me a time to finally find my place between the rest. There were a lot of people and not much space. I also had to get used to the idea of not having my aptonia transitionbag in the area. Bags were not aloud because of the space. Oh no, little panic. When I looked around I was happy to see a lot of Aptonia trisuit. I use these events to talk to people and ask their opinion about my favorite brand. I always can use the feedback. Oke back to the race. Bike: check. Bibbelt with bar: check. Cycling shoes: check. Socks (yes socks): check. Running shoes: check And my two glasses: check. When I finally had everything ready I could finally start mission – wetsuit- haha. The first part is never a problem but for the last part I really need a extra person. So happy to have my love with me to help :). Now I am ready!



During the briefing I realised I didn’t train my open water swimming for a long time. Oh no, panic moment number two. But the weather looked good. It was early, and there was sun and no wind. Perfect conditions. But when my feet touched the water I realized it was freezing cold. My heart started to beat up, something I don’t need during swimming. If you’ll get to know me you know I have a love and hate relationship with swimming. I am very bad at it and I panic (again) when I feel water in my eyes, mouth and nose. So if you have any tips, please! I always start in the back to avoid getting kicked. The beat of the music always helps me to get focused. Let’s do this. I always start tough and wanting to look cool with the quick way to swim but after a few meters I use breaststroke. Still cannot keep doing that for 750m ppff. Soon I’m one of the last swimmers. But I don’t mind, still love to do it. Not at that moment. After a few meters I start to think about the cold and start asking myself; WHY? But I know I will beat some during cycling so that makes me happy and keep swimming. “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming” And there it is, the end of 750 meters drowning haha. Yes, proud of myself I survived the hardest part.


My favorite part, because this is the moment I can catch up with the rest. But my transition took a long time. My body felt cold and it was hard for me to even put on my shoes. Don’t even get started about my socks haha. A big disaster. But anyway right after I stept (because I don’t jump jet) on my bike and started paddeling I saw my first supporter. Always happy to get some cheers, really works for me. I used round one to eat something and warm up a little. That second thing didn’t work out till the end of the race unfortunatly. The second round I could catch up with some girls. Ha even some guys. When someone passes me by I don’t mind and just love the sound of a tt bike. I tried to stay above 30 km/h and that worked for me. Yes! Even though my legs felt like ice. And my feet? I don’t know where they still there? Like I expected my husband passed me by in my third round and his last. Always fun to race together. Tried to sprint a little in my last round before I enterd the trasition area the second time.


After I started to run I didn’t know what happened. From me knees to my toes I really didn’t feel anything. I even was afraid I would fall. I never felt this before. I really didn’t understand. The weather was so perfect. I really enjoyed the sun and the windless day. I had to run 5 circles of 1k. I was so happy when my husband decided to join me for my last three. Offcourse he already finished. But that is what they call love haha. After 3,5k I finally could feel some difference. But it was too late for running a good time. I was relieved that I finished after 1:41:04. The worst of this year ppff. But I was a nice medal richer ;). And after I ate some candy I decided to wait for a massage. Who ever did find out to serve candy at the finish deserves a medal too haha.



Normally I don’t have the patience to wait for that. But in my mind I had to run 10k next day I had to haha. My husband also joined me. Unfortunatly he has a lasting injury at his heel. I can not even imagine always to run with pain. We we’re lucky to be helped at the same time. Oeh my calfs were sore ppff. After the massage it didn’t  really feel much better. Time to fetch our bikes. And after we changed and packed we walked back to the car with sore legs and proud we did it again. We can’t wait for the next season to start and really prepare for our first half distance.

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